Sunday, February 27

Eat, Pray, Love

 I watched the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" several months ago by a fluke.  Patrick accidentally "rented" it on our satellite.  So, I watched it since we had to pay for it.  I am not typically a movie watcher.  But, I watched that one three times.  I soaked it in.  I felt enlightened, spiritually awakened. 
I am concerned with my soul.  I think about my spiritual path and how every decision I make affects my life's journey. I believe in karma.  I know if I put negative energy out there, I get negative energy back.  And, just the same, if I put positive energy out there, I notice my life is a little sunnier.  I believe that I am in control of my own destiny through my life choices!
I have tried to read the book "Eat, Pray, Love" several times.  There is an excerpt in the third tale (of 108) that I just can't seem to move passed.  I've never, in my life, read something (on the topic) that made complete sense to me. That moved me to a "moment."
Here it is:
"Culturally, though not theologically, I'm a Christian.  I was born a Protestant of the white Anglo-Saxon persuasion.  And while I do love that great teacher of peace who was called Jesus, and while I do reserve the right to ask myself in certain trying situations what indeed He would do, I can't swallow that one fixed rule of Christianity insisting that Christ is the only path to God.  Strictly speaking, then, I cannot call myself a Christian....To those who do speak (and think) strictly, all I can do here is offer my regrets for any hurt feelings and now excuse myself from their business."   
"In the end, what I have come to believe about God is simple.  It's like this- I used to have this really great dog.  She came from the pound.  She was a mixture of about ten different breeds, but seemed to have inherited the finest features of them all.  She was brown. When people asked me, "What kind of dog is that?" I would always give the same answer:  "She's a brown dog."  Similarly, when the question is raised, "What kind of God do you believe in?" my answer is easy:  "I believe in a magnificent God."
Maybe you can't relate to that.  Maybe you completely disagree.  Maybe it pisses you off a bit.  But, that's okay.  I think it's okay if we all lead different journeys to the same end path.  Call it what you want to.  Don't we all want to be the best people we can be, doing to others like we would have them do to us?  Don't we all want to take our last breathe knowing we are proud of the journey we made?  You might believe that you will go to heaven.  Another may believe that their soul is reincarnated to another living being only to work on their journey further.  And, the life you live determines the being you will live in next.  Who am I to argue?  I think it's all a great idea.  Whatever works for you to help you lead a journey of goodness.
There.  Now, maybe I can move on to the fourth tale.


KezzaLou said...

Amen sister :) Shared souls and shared thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Interesting, very interesting, take on life and religion. I just want to spend eternity with you. Love you...Momma