This made me think of something I had done about six years ago. I went to a Southern Living Cooking Show. There was a lot of vendors there. One of them was for a place called "Back to Nature" They do colonics and ear candling and ionic foot baths and massages and iridology. It was there that I had my iris' read (Iridology, an ancient science)
"Iridology is the scientific practice which involves correlating the markings and patterns of the iris to reflex manifestations and bodily malfunctions among the many organs of the body. By studying the eye, doctors can reveal a patient's overall degree of health, as well as his or her apparent inherent weaknesses. In this alternative medicine technique, the eye is perceived as the gateway to the body whereby its condition reflects the overall condition of the patient." source: Think Quest
The lady took a picture of my eye and explained different things about "me." I only remember one thing she told me that evening. She told me I had a weakness in my lungs. It caught me off guard since I had never had any issues with my lungs.
Until December 2009, I had no problems. It was then, during Christmas holiday, that I developed bronchitis. I have had it three times and now pneumonia! I have carried an inhaler since 12/09 and don't need it very often. It's usually when I get overexcited and laugh a lot that I can't catch my breath that I have to use it. My Momma and my Sister both have asthma so it shouldn't surprise me.
It just scares me. Mainly because you can't live without your lungs. My Momma's best friend, Tumpy, died from pulmonary fibrosis (hardening of the lungs). It's another reason why it scares me.
In terms of Iridology. It's not that I subscribe to the belief in it. But, it sure is interesting, especially now that I can't seem to kick this problem with my lungs.
Here is a typical Iridology chart. The right eye tells you about the left side of your body and vice versa. And, you can't tell anything about yourself from this chart. You would have to have a reading of your own. For now, I'm just going to file this one under "It's Always Something!"
I hate that you are sick...and I miss Tumpy so much! Get well soon, Sweetie....Momma worries! Love you solo much!
....."sooooo much"..... I hate spell check!
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