I watched the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" several months ago by a fluke. Patrick accidentally "rented" it on our satellite. So, I watched it since we had to pay for it. I am not typically a movie watcher. But, I watched that one three times. I soaked it in. I felt enlightened, spiritually awakened.
I am concerned with my soul. I think about my spiritual path and how every decision I make affects my life's journey. I believe in karma. I know if I put negative energy out there, I get negative energy back. And, just the same, if I put positive energy out there, I notice my life is a little sunnier. I believe that I am in control of my own destiny through my life choices!
I have tried to read the book "Eat, Pray, Love" several times. There is an excerpt in the third tale (of 108) that I just can't seem to move passed. I've never, in my life, read something (on the topic) that made complete sense to me. That moved me to a "moment."
Here it is:
"Culturally, though not theologically, I'm a Christian. I was born a Protestant of the white Anglo-Saxon persuasion. And while I do love that great teacher of peace who was called Jesus, and while I do reserve the right to ask myself in certain trying situations what indeed He would do, I can't swallow that one fixed rule of Christianity insisting that Christ is the only path to God. Strictly speaking, then, I cannot call myself a Christian....To those who do speak (and think) strictly, all I can do here is offer my regrets for any hurt feelings and now excuse myself from their business."
"In the end, what I have come to believe about God is simple. It's like this- I used to have this really great dog. She came from the pound. She was a mixture of about ten different breeds, but seemed to have inherited the finest features of them all. She was brown. When people asked me, "What kind of dog is that?" I would always give the same answer: "She's a brown dog." Similarly, when the question is raised, "What kind of God do you believe in?" my answer is easy: "I believe in a magnificent God."
Maybe you can't relate to that. Maybe you completely disagree. Maybe it pisses you off a bit. But, that's okay. I think it's okay if we all lead different journeys to the same end path. Call it what you want to. Don't we all want to be the best people we can be, doing to others like we would have them do to us? Don't we all want to take our last breathe knowing we are proud of the journey we made? You might believe that you will go to heaven. Another may believe that their soul is reincarnated to another living being only to work on their journey further. And, the life you live determines the being you will live in next. Who am I to argue? I think it's all a great idea. Whatever works for you to help you lead a journey of goodness.
There. Now, maybe I can move on to the fourth tale.
Sunday, February 27
Thursday, February 24
Obsessive and Winning!
I am obsessive. Maybe a little compulsive. Very far from impulsive. I'm a thinker, a contemplator. I obsessively ponder. When I think about things, it's intense. I can be found often with a notebook and pencil, sitting outside, meditating on my thoughts. I'm always thinking of ideas and planning some kind of project!My mind races all the time! You get the idea?
So, when I saw the contest on Lenny & Eva's facebook page, it was on! I dove into their blog and their website and facebook page. I studied the photos, the style, the words. I wanted my idea to match up with their style of jewelry. I knew no one could match my idea! I don't say that in a braggy or arrogant way. I say it with confidence. I take pride in my work! I know how hard I work to do what I do! No leaf is left unturned when I set out to think. Know this though: I am always appreciative when I get compliments. It makes me feel so good. It encourages me to do more and try harder. I'm a show-off. So, give me a captive audience. And, I get carried away.
And, even though, I accomplish great things, my mind can get a little tiresome! Yesterday wore me out...thinking about winning that dad blame contest. I thought of every access to people that I had. And, I called on them! The obvious is my "friends" on facebook, but I went to Clickin Moms and Studio Calico too!
I called my parents and put them on the job. I told my Daddy to require his employees to vote for me or they would be fired. I told him to go to the bank lobby and hand out "vote" flyers. I told my Momma to require her students to like my photo and to stand over their shoulders to make sure they did it correctly! I even "hacked" into my Mom's Facebook account and took over her status' for the day, asking for votes. I called my Step-dad Bobby. I told him to call everyone he knew in the whole country. Can you believe he laughed at me? I asked my closest friends to put it as their status to get me more "likes." I asked my friend Kerrie, who is from Australia, to take it international and ask Australia to vote. And, some have! I have written down every name of who "likes" my photo. I'm keeping track. That way, I know who to stalk and ask why they haven't voted and properly instruct them on how to do it. Then, double check that they did it. Then, thank them! That's how I roll y'all. And, that's how I'm gonna win!
I am currently in first place. I intend to be there Saturday at noon when the contest closes. Until then, you know what I'll be doing....thinking.....figuring out ways to get more votes!
So, when I saw the contest on Lenny & Eva's facebook page, it was on! I dove into their blog and their website and facebook page. I studied the photos, the style, the words. I wanted my idea to match up with their style of jewelry. I knew no one could match my idea! I don't say that in a braggy or arrogant way. I say it with confidence. I take pride in my work! I know how hard I work to do what I do! No leaf is left unturned when I set out to think. Know this though: I am always appreciative when I get compliments. It makes me feel so good. It encourages me to do more and try harder. I'm a show-off. So, give me a captive audience. And, I get carried away.
And, even though, I accomplish great things, my mind can get a little tiresome! Yesterday wore me out...thinking about winning that dad blame contest. I thought of every access to people that I had. And, I called on them! The obvious is my "friends" on facebook, but I went to Clickin Moms and Studio Calico too!
I called my parents and put them on the job. I told my Daddy to require his employees to vote for me or they would be fired. I told him to go to the bank lobby and hand out "vote" flyers. I told my Momma to require her students to like my photo and to stand over their shoulders to make sure they did it correctly! I even "hacked" into my Mom's Facebook account and took over her status' for the day, asking for votes. I called my Step-dad Bobby. I told him to call everyone he knew in the whole country. Can you believe he laughed at me? I asked my closest friends to put it as their status to get me more "likes." I asked my friend Kerrie, who is from Australia, to take it international and ask Australia to vote. And, some have! I have written down every name of who "likes" my photo. I'm keeping track. That way, I know who to stalk and ask why they haven't voted and properly instruct them on how to do it. Then, double check that they did it. Then, thank them! That's how I roll y'all. And, that's how I'm gonna win!
I am currently in first place. I intend to be there Saturday at noon when the contest closes. Until then, you know what I'll be doing....thinking.....figuring out ways to get more votes!
Monday, February 21
My Boy

He is a boy, through and through! He is rough and loud and rambunctious. He loves playing sports and video games. His favorite possession is his bb gun. He dreams of having a twenty-two rifle so he can go squirrel huntin' with his cousin Connor. He is competitive and fully expects to win. He looks up to his Daddy and wants to be just like him. He is onery and mischievious. He flexes his muscles and wants you to see how strong he is and show you that his muscles have gotten bigger since the day before. He doesn't like to do as he is told and as he gets older, he expresses his opinion more and more. He likes laborious work and earning money for doing it. He can be wild, but not in an out-of-control way...just in a....boy way!
Today, I signed him up for a wrestling clinic that is put on by the high school wrestling team as a fund raiser. He weighed in at 50.2 lbs. He wrestled for the first time last year. He was in a group with boys who had done it the year before. He was a bit unsure and sorda pissed that winning wasn't coming easy to him. He is determined to be #1 this year. He can't wait to see who is in his group so he can let them know "they're going down!" That's my boy!
He hopes to go to the University of Georgia for college (where he will study to be a vet). While he is there, he wants to play football for the Bulldawgs! I tell him that he can do it, but he has to be the kicker or the bench warmer.
If he doesn't go to UGA on a sport scholarship, I have no doubt that he will go on an academic scholarship. He has a desire to learn and a drive to be the best. He already talks about being first in his class. He is in kindergarten. He just learned to read and he loves it. He is reading "pink labels" which is 2nd grade level books. He has beautiful penmanship and colors perfectly in the lines. He takes pride in his schoolwork. He makes me so proud!
All that boy stuff grates on my nerves. I think I am better equipped to handle diva attitude more than I am able to deal with rambunctious and loud. All that running and bouncing around makes me nervous. When the boys get together and tussel, I just want it to stop.Even though my boy is a typical boy, he is an extraordinary one! He has a side to him that only the lucky ones get to see! He is sweet and cuddley and kind. He is empathetic. He is a big helper. He is loyal. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He loves his family. He sneaks into my bed in the middle of the night and puts his arm around my chest. He loves animals. He worries about people when they are sick or sad. He has his Daddy's cell phone number memorized and calls him whenever he can to see how his day is going and when he will be home. He writes notes to the people he loves to tell them just that.
I'm so blessed to get to be his Momma. I dread the day when his sweet soul is affected in a negative way by the real world. I just want to lock him up and protect him forever. I can't imagine the pain I will feel in my heart when someone breaks his. I love this boy so much!
His sister is quite fond of him too! Even if he does pick on her.
Sunday, February 20
A Best Day!
Sunny and 80 degrees was in yesterday's weather forcast. I painted my toenails, dusted off my flip flops, and planned a trip to St. Simon's Island.
When we got to the island, we headed straight to the beach. We found it to be a little chilly with the breeze from the ocean, but the sun shined warmly! How precious to see Blake and Olivia walk down the beach holding hands!
Patrick ran down the beach with his new sneakers. Size 2 1/2! My boy has a big 'ol foot!
After our walk on the beach, we went to play putt-putt at the pier. They have completely re-done that area with an additional playground, grassy areas, picnic tables, putt-putt, a small water park, a nice walking path with an ocean view, new steps down to the ocean, and water spickets to wash the sand off of your feet.
The playground was crowded and it made me nervous that I couldn't see both of my children at the same time. I was proud to see Patrick go across the monkey bars for the first time.
Olivia's favorite part? Climbing.
A beautiful day to hang out together as a family! We love St Simon's Island!
We went out to get into the truck and found it to be stocked with a driver and co-pilot! We checked his license, only to find out he is only six. So, we directed him and his co-pilot to the back seat to be buckled in their car seats.
When we got to the island, we headed straight to the beach. We found it to be a little chilly with the breeze from the ocean, but the sun shined warmly! How precious to see Blake and Olivia walk down the beach holding hands!
Patrick ran down the beach with his new sneakers. Size 2 1/2! My boy has a big 'ol foot!
I tried to get a nice photo of them together. It's usually easier just to take photos of them individually!
After our walk on the beach, we went to play putt-putt at the pier. They have completely re-done that area with an additional playground, grassy areas, picnic tables, putt-putt, a small water park, a nice walking path with an ocean view, new steps down to the ocean, and water spickets to wash the sand off of your feet.
Patrick has played putt-putt before. He had a good handle on how to play. He was most concerned about the score. He made me laugh when he guided the ball where he wanted it to go rather than actually hitting it. All for a lower score!
The funniest thing was watching Olivia play. Blake tried to show her proper form.
But, in typical Olivia fashion, she had her own way of doing things. Feel free to laugh at her cuteness!
She entertained herself when it wasn't her turn.
Next, we headed to the playground. On our way, we passed this odd sight. A tree was growing through a fence. The owners accommodated it by cutting holes in the wood as it grew.The playground was crowded and it made me nervous that I couldn't see both of my children at the same time. I was proud to see Patrick go across the monkey bars for the first time.
Olivia's favorite part? Climbing.
When they had enough, we walked down to the pier. We saw a guy catch a stingray (don't have an impressive photo). But, we did run in to this guy hanging out, unphased by on-lookers.
This is as close as Patrick would stand to him.A beautiful day to hang out together as a family! We love St Simon's Island!
Saturday, February 19
If I gotta be me...I'm gonna be Super Me!
I entered the "My Glue Gun is Bigger Than Yours" contest at Lenny & Eva. The theme is "self-expression." This photo is my entry along with the narrative below. If I win, my quote "If I gotta be me....I'm gonna be Super Me!" will be on a piece of their jewelry!
Thinking outside of the box and self-expression are two of my specialties! I make a daily conscious effort to express myself through my outfits, jewelry, hair style, and other accessories! So, you can imagine, how excited I was to enter this contest!
My original quote is "If I Gotta Be Me....I'm Gonna Be Super Me!" I was inspired by the quote "If your going to be blue, be bright blue." To support my quote, I decided to make my picture a "Super Me" portrait. (thinking outside of the box of simply displaying my poster in a photo with my pretty head) My "poster" is my "Super Me" shield. The design was inspired by the quilt on the couch in the photo on your blog's home page. My quote is in a word bubble. This, again, was inpired by the word bubble pillows on the couch in your blog's home page. I thought the word bubble was both literal and appropriate for "self-expression."
I wanted the portrait to have a vintage feel to compliment your jewelry's salvaged style. So, when I processed my photo in Elements, I ran a "seventies" action on it. I love it! And, I hope you do too!
Jennifer Crosby, Self-expression Extraordinaire
Friday, February 18
Talk about customer service!
So, I went in to Walmart this morning to return an item. I got my sticker from the door lady, then walked to the service desk. I told the associate, "I need to return these. They didn't work out." I handed her the item and the receipt. She laid the item and receipt on the counter. I saw her look at the item, then the receipt, then flip the tag around on the item. So, I pointed out, on the receipt, where the item was listed.
And, she says, "That irritates me when customers do that." So, I said, "I sure didn't mean to irritate you. I was just trying to help." My tone was sarcastic (as you can imagine). So she continues to tell me about how they have to look at the reciept and the tag even though she had already found it listed on the receipt.
My response (truly not caring), "Next time, I'll just throw it at you. And, you can figure the damn thing out yourself." Hahahahahahahaha! (I laughed).
She attempted to recover with some talk.....to which I just gave her this fake pierced lips smile while I shook my head like I was listening, but obvious that I didn't give a shit.
She handed me my money. I gave her a more genuine smile and said, "Have a good day!" My instinct was to say, "I hope no one else irritates you today." But, I held back. Gotta love customer service! And, a genuine smart ass!
And, she says, "That irritates me when customers do that." So, I said, "I sure didn't mean to irritate you. I was just trying to help." My tone was sarcastic (as you can imagine). So she continues to tell me about how they have to look at the reciept and the tag even though she had already found it listed on the receipt.
My response (truly not caring), "Next time, I'll just throw it at you. And, you can figure the damn thing out yourself." Hahahahahahahaha! (I laughed).
She attempted to recover with some talk.....to which I just gave her this fake pierced lips smile while I shook my head like I was listening, but obvious that I didn't give a shit.
She handed me my money. I gave her a more genuine smile and said, "Have a good day!" My instinct was to say, "I hope no one else irritates you today." But, I held back. Gotta love customer service! And, a genuine smart ass!
Wednesday, February 16
Too much volume!
Have you ever lowered the volume on your car radio thinking it will help cease the noise in the backseat? I did today. And, I have done it before.
I got my car in 2003, before I was pregnant with Patrick. I HAD to have a Bose stereo system. I thought the amp in the trunk was super cool! I used to love turning up the radio so loud! I loved to feel my music! I had my favorite songs with bass and nasty words. Back then, it didn't give me a headache.
Now, the only time I turn the radio up is when whining is going on and I am trying to drowned it out. Now, I have to screen the music that I listen to for nasty words and download the "clean version." Now, when I am in my car by myself, I find that the radio isn't even on. I enjoy the peace and quiet.
If that doesn't make me feel old, what would?!
I got my car in 2003, before I was pregnant with Patrick. I HAD to have a Bose stereo system. I thought the amp in the trunk was super cool! I used to love turning up the radio so loud! I loved to feel my music! I had my favorite songs with bass and nasty words. Back then, it didn't give me a headache.
Now, the only time I turn the radio up is when whining is going on and I am trying to drowned it out. Now, I have to screen the music that I listen to for nasty words and download the "clean version." Now, when I am in my car by myself, I find that the radio isn't even on. I enjoy the peace and quiet.
If that doesn't make me feel old, what would?!
Tuesday, February 15
Over it!
It started just after I picked them up. They started fighting over who got to talk to me first. When we got home, they fought over who got to take Zoe her food. At supper, they fought over who got the Georgia bowl. Then it was over who had the biggest strawberry. Then, they fought over who got to take a bath first. I was so mad at them, I told them as soon as they were bathed they were to go to their rooms for the evening, not to talk to me, not to talk to each other. You know what Olivia says....."Can I sleep with Bubba?" AAAAHhhhhhhhh! Really?! I know if I said yes, it would be a matter of time before they were fighting over who had one inch more of bed space. Their fighting and bickering drives me freakin' crazy!
I understand the profound need for yin and yang. I know that in order to have proper balance, I must experience both good and bad and appreciate the entire venture, not just the parts that are easy and fun.
But, for now, I am in a bad mood and I just want to be by myself with some stupid tv show like Teen Mom. That always makes me appreciate my life and I need that right now! Good night!
I understand the profound need for yin and yang. I know that in order to have proper balance, I must experience both good and bad and appreciate the entire venture, not just the parts that are easy and fun.
But, for now, I am in a bad mood and I just want to be by myself with some stupid tv show like Teen Mom. That always makes me appreciate my life and I need that right now! Good night!
Monday, February 14
I Got Love For My In-Laws!
Blake is out of town. Every week, he leaves Monday morning and comes home Thursday evening. This is the only life we have ever known. It's not usually a big deal, but when it comes to extra special days like today (Valentines Day), he feels extra far away!
Today, I called Blake's Momma (Maxine) and asked if her and Bill (Blake's Daddy) had plans for supper. I was planning on taking Patrick and Olivia out to eat and wanted them to join us. We went to the Huddle House (Daddy Bill's favorite) and had breakfast for supper.
The food was good, but it was the company that made my heart extra happy and made Blake seem much closer. I am so blessed to have Maxine and Bill in my life. I always joke that if Maxine were to pick anyone for her son's wife, she wouldn't choose me. I am not your average south-georgia church goin' speak when you're spoken to type girl. But, you know what? She has never once made me feel like she wants me to be any different. I think it's so cute when she says "We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one." We are both firm in the things we believe. Maxine hates confrontation. I would rather skip confrontation, but a nice respectful debate is good for growth. I can never relate to the horrid talk of mother-in-laws. Mine is an angel straight from heaven!
Tonight, Maxine shared her cheese grits with Olivia, Patrick read us "Cat In The Hat," I wiped syruppy hands with wet towells, and Bill picked up the tab. I am so grateful for my Mother and Father In-Law! They made me feel extra loved tonight by spending Valentine's with me, Patrick, and Olivia!
Thought I would leave you with a few pictures i took a couple of weekends ago!
Today, I called Blake's Momma (Maxine) and asked if her and Bill (Blake's Daddy) had plans for supper. I was planning on taking Patrick and Olivia out to eat and wanted them to join us. We went to the Huddle House (Daddy Bill's favorite) and had breakfast for supper.
The food was good, but it was the company that made my heart extra happy and made Blake seem much closer. I am so blessed to have Maxine and Bill in my life. I always joke that if Maxine were to pick anyone for her son's wife, she wouldn't choose me. I am not your average south-georgia church goin' speak when you're spoken to type girl. But, you know what? She has never once made me feel like she wants me to be any different. I think it's so cute when she says "We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one." We are both firm in the things we believe. Maxine hates confrontation. I would rather skip confrontation, but a nice respectful debate is good for growth. I can never relate to the horrid talk of mother-in-laws. Mine is an angel straight from heaven!
Tonight, Maxine shared her cheese grits with Olivia, Patrick read us "Cat In The Hat," I wiped syruppy hands with wet towells, and Bill picked up the tab. I am so grateful for my Mother and Father In-Law! They made me feel extra loved tonight by spending Valentine's with me, Patrick, and Olivia!
Thought I would leave you with a few pictures i took a couple of weekends ago!
Sunday, February 13
Today I made a double chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting. From scratch. It's an extra special treat for my family for Valentine's Day. I've never made a cake from scratch before. And, I learned a few things:
1. It makes a huge mess. Cocoa powder, powdered sugar, and flour kinda flew everywhere when I turned the mixer on. This shows my inexperience, as I should have stirred it a bit before mixing it.
2. When the recipe calls for parchment paper, you can use wax paper.
3. I'm thankful to have peeps I can call that are professionals in the kitchen when I don't quite understand the recipe. The icing recipe called for (2) 3 oz packages of cream cheese. First of all, why didn't they just say 6 oz.? Secondly, I shop at Walmart. And, they only sell cream cheese in 8 oz blocks. I was sure it was a typo. But, both Ryan Ledbetter (of Krazy Kookies and Kupcakes) and Aunt Net Hengeveld (of the Downtown Sandwich Shop) confirmed....use the entire 8 oz block of cream cheese.
4. It takes a long time to do all that! Between grating chocolate, measuring and measuring and measuring, mixing in between every little bit, cutting out wax paper just the right size, cleaning, and re-cleaning, icing three layers of cake and all the way around trying to make it look pretty. I was in the kitchen for four hours.
5. Unsweetened chocolate is the worst tasting stuff that has ever touched my tongue.
6. A hand mixer is completely inappropriate and unable to stand up to the challenge of all that mixing. I burnt the motor out in the very end when I was adding one cup at a time (of 6 cups) of powdered sugar. I'm so stupid...it would've made so much sense to use that fancy kitchenaid mixer under the cabinet.
7. It's so damn good! I'm not going to say it was worth all that work. But, it would be worth paying someone to do it all for you!
You live and you learn! Hope your day was as sweet as ours here at Arbor Grove!
Saturday, February 12
Mary Kay makes me beautiful!
I knew you were wondering how I am so beautiful! Hee Hee Actually, I must thank my parents for great genes. They both have great skin so, my canvas given to me by them is a nice starting point. But, I DO have to take care of it. I know there are a lot of products out there. I know people who swear by Merle Norman and others who say Ivory Soap is enough and there's this Obagi that some people think is great. I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just telling you what I use and what I have come to love!
Here is my daily routine: I wash my face with MK Timewise 3-in-1 cleanser (combination to oily). It lathers up so nicely! I wash my face with my finger-tips in an upward motion. (I'm washing under the shingles) Your skin is like the shingles on a roof. When you clean it, you want to clean up under the shingles. When you apply product, you want to apply with a downard motion- not to get dirt up under the shingles. After I lather the cleanser all over my face and neck, I wipe it all clean with a warm wash cloth. I pat my face with a towell, then apply MK Timewise Day Solution. I use one squirt. I dot it all over my face, then rub in (in that downward motion). Because you use one squirt, this bottle lasts a long time! I think this is supposed to relax expression lines. I just know it has SPF 25 and is recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation. I know the sun ages my skin and can give me cancer and I don't want either, so I use it! The next step is to apply your moisturizer. I don't use the foundation, it was too heavy for me. Instead, I use the MK tinted moisturizer (SPF 20) Then I apply the MK concealer, under my eyes. I have dark circles under my eyes and this tones them down a bit. Then, I apply the MK eye primer on my eyelids. This is the best $12 you can spend, even if all your make-up is Cover Girl. It actually keeps your eye shadow in place. You know, especially in the summer, when you get hot and sweaty and your eyeshadow gets a crease in your eyelid....well not with this product! I live in South Georgia! I never get creases in my shadow. It never budges out of place. It looks just as good at 5:00pm as it did at 8:00am! No kidding! This product is AMAZING!
Then, using my MK cheek brush, I apply my MK cheek color (blush). I have two colors: sparkling cider (more bronze) and shy blush (more pink). Love both! After these steps, I feel like the fun can begin. It's at this point, I can be creative and make some fun choices! My lips: most often, I use MK neutral lip liner and apply MK amber glow lip color. When I need to be extra fancy, I use MK chocolate lip liner and apply MK amber suede lip color. The amber suede makes my teeth look so white!
Now for they eyes! I get so excited about all the choices! I don't have an everyday go-to for this one! It's different every day. But, I'll give you an idea on what I do. First, I apply, with my MK eye definer brush, MK honey spice eye color just below my eyebrows and MK crystalline eye color on the inside corner of my eyelids. Then, I apply Cover Girl Golden Sunrise (probably like MK amber blaze eye color) to the crease of my eyelid using the MK crease brush. Sometimes I add a little MK copper glow eye color to the very middle of the crease. Then, on the outside corner of my eyelid, is where I add my accent colors. My choices are: MK sweet plum, emerald, chocolate kiss, navy blue, cinnabar, raisin, granite, vintage gold, golden olive, and cranberry ice. Some of these colors are no longer available. After I apply the eye colors, I blend, as needed, with my MK eye definer brush. Then, it is time to enhance my eyebrows just a bit. I use the MK eyeliner brush to apply MK espresso eye color on my eyebrows. Just lightly, to fill in the blank spots in my eyebrows or where my eyebrows are blonde. It helps my brows frame my eyes better. This was a bit shocking to me when I first tried it. I was like "Well, HELLO eyebrows!" I felt like they stood out too much. But, now I'm used to it and I like it!
The last two steps for make-up are eyeliner and mascera. I have: MK eyeliner in amethyst, bronze, deep brown, navy, olive, and steely. Amethyst is my favorite, but I probably use bronze more often. I apply it just above my eyelashes all across the top lid and half-way across (from outside in) on the bottom. I blend it just a little with my finger so it doesn't look like a straight line! I use Cover Girl mascera. My experience with MK mascera is that it stays on a bit too much. I feel like I have to rub my eyes to much to get it off at night. I felt like I was ruining the elasticity of my skin around my eyes. I might try it again some day, but for now I am fine with Cover Girl Lash Blast! Maybe it is because I watch America's Top Model and love Drew Barrymore and Ellen Degeneres and I am a victim of marketing, but I like the Cover Girl mascera and some of the eye shadows!
So, that is my morning routine. It probably sounds like it would take forever. But, it doesn't.
In the evening, I use MK oil-free eye make-up remover to take my eye make up off. Then, I wash my fash with the MK Timewise 3-in-1 cleanser. (Just as I did in the morning) Then, I apply MK Timewise night solution. This product is supposed to do magic to your skin while you sleep. The MK claim is "vitamins, antioxidant, and collagen-enhancing peptides nourish, smooth and firm skin." Sounds good to me. My skin is in great shape so I keep using it! The next step is MK Timewise Age-fighting Moisturizer. It makes my skins feel so soft and hydrated. My final step of the day is the MK Timewise Firming Eye Cream. I have a genetic history of a slight hooded lid. So, to keep my eyelids from sagging over my eyeballs, I use this cream. And, that's it! Just a few steps to not just look beautiful, but feel beautiful too!
These products are great! It's worth a try! There is a satisfaction guaranteed or your money back policy. If you decide you don't like it, it's no big deal....just give it back to your consultant and she'll refund your money. Thing is....you're gonna be satisfied. You'll have the softest, healthiest skin of your life! I have been using Mary Kay for four years and will always use these products!
MK make-up is great. But, if I were going to have one thing, it would be the TimeWise Miracle Set. It includes four products that are "clinically shown to reduce fine lines and improve skin elasticity and even skin tone." Oh yeah, and the MK eye primer.
My Mary Kay consultant is Kerrie Sirmans (Baxley, Ga). I gotta give a shot out to her because she takes care of me and I would love to see her business grow and thrive. I know Laura Young sales it too! Her enthusiasm for Mary Kay is beyond words. She will, no doubt, be riding in a pink caddy very soon!
Here is my daily routine: I wash my face with MK Timewise 3-in-1 cleanser (combination to oily). It lathers up so nicely! I wash my face with my finger-tips in an upward motion. (I'm washing under the shingles) Your skin is like the shingles on a roof. When you clean it, you want to clean up under the shingles. When you apply product, you want to apply with a downard motion- not to get dirt up under the shingles. After I lather the cleanser all over my face and neck, I wipe it all clean with a warm wash cloth. I pat my face with a towell, then apply MK Timewise Day Solution. I use one squirt. I dot it all over my face, then rub in (in that downward motion). Because you use one squirt, this bottle lasts a long time! I think this is supposed to relax expression lines. I just know it has SPF 25 and is recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation. I know the sun ages my skin and can give me cancer and I don't want either, so I use it! The next step is to apply your moisturizer. I don't use the foundation, it was too heavy for me. Instead, I use the MK tinted moisturizer (SPF 20) Then I apply the MK concealer, under my eyes. I have dark circles under my eyes and this tones them down a bit. Then, I apply the MK eye primer on my eyelids. This is the best $12 you can spend, even if all your make-up is Cover Girl. It actually keeps your eye shadow in place. You know, especially in the summer, when you get hot and sweaty and your eyeshadow gets a crease in your eyelid....well not with this product! I live in South Georgia! I never get creases in my shadow. It never budges out of place. It looks just as good at 5:00pm as it did at 8:00am! No kidding! This product is AMAZING!
Then, using my MK cheek brush, I apply my MK cheek color (blush). I have two colors: sparkling cider (more bronze) and shy blush (more pink). Love both! After these steps, I feel like the fun can begin. It's at this point, I can be creative and make some fun choices! My lips: most often, I use MK neutral lip liner and apply MK amber glow lip color. When I need to be extra fancy, I use MK chocolate lip liner and apply MK amber suede lip color. The amber suede makes my teeth look so white!
Now for they eyes! I get so excited about all the choices! I don't have an everyday go-to for this one! It's different every day. But, I'll give you an idea on what I do. First, I apply, with my MK eye definer brush, MK honey spice eye color just below my eyebrows and MK crystalline eye color on the inside corner of my eyelids. Then, I apply Cover Girl Golden Sunrise (probably like MK amber blaze eye color) to the crease of my eyelid using the MK crease brush. Sometimes I add a little MK copper glow eye color to the very middle of the crease. Then, on the outside corner of my eyelid, is where I add my accent colors. My choices are: MK sweet plum, emerald, chocolate kiss, navy blue, cinnabar, raisin, granite, vintage gold, golden olive, and cranberry ice. Some of these colors are no longer available. After I apply the eye colors, I blend, as needed, with my MK eye definer brush. Then, it is time to enhance my eyebrows just a bit. I use the MK eyeliner brush to apply MK espresso eye color on my eyebrows. Just lightly, to fill in the blank spots in my eyebrows or where my eyebrows are blonde. It helps my brows frame my eyes better. This was a bit shocking to me when I first tried it. I was like "Well, HELLO eyebrows!" I felt like they stood out too much. But, now I'm used to it and I like it!
The last two steps for make-up are eyeliner and mascera. I have: MK eyeliner in amethyst, bronze, deep brown, navy, olive, and steely. Amethyst is my favorite, but I probably use bronze more often. I apply it just above my eyelashes all across the top lid and half-way across (from outside in) on the bottom. I blend it just a little with my finger so it doesn't look like a straight line! I use Cover Girl mascera. My experience with MK mascera is that it stays on a bit too much. I feel like I have to rub my eyes to much to get it off at night. I felt like I was ruining the elasticity of my skin around my eyes. I might try it again some day, but for now I am fine with Cover Girl Lash Blast! Maybe it is because I watch America's Top Model and love Drew Barrymore and Ellen Degeneres and I am a victim of marketing, but I like the Cover Girl mascera and some of the eye shadows!
So, that is my morning routine. It probably sounds like it would take forever. But, it doesn't.
In the evening, I use MK oil-free eye make-up remover to take my eye make up off. Then, I wash my fash with the MK Timewise 3-in-1 cleanser. (Just as I did in the morning) Then, I apply MK Timewise night solution. This product is supposed to do magic to your skin while you sleep. The MK claim is "vitamins, antioxidant, and collagen-enhancing peptides nourish, smooth and firm skin." Sounds good to me. My skin is in great shape so I keep using it! The next step is MK Timewise Age-fighting Moisturizer. It makes my skins feel so soft and hydrated. My final step of the day is the MK Timewise Firming Eye Cream. I have a genetic history of a slight hooded lid. So, to keep my eyelids from sagging over my eyeballs, I use this cream. And, that's it! Just a few steps to not just look beautiful, but feel beautiful too!
These products are great! It's worth a try! There is a satisfaction guaranteed or your money back policy. If you decide you don't like it, it's no big deal....just give it back to your consultant and she'll refund your money. Thing is....you're gonna be satisfied. You'll have the softest, healthiest skin of your life! I have been using Mary Kay for four years and will always use these products!
MK make-up is great. But, if I were going to have one thing, it would be the TimeWise Miracle Set. It includes four products that are "clinically shown to reduce fine lines and improve skin elasticity and even skin tone." Oh yeah, and the MK eye primer.
My Mary Kay consultant is Kerrie Sirmans (Baxley, Ga). I gotta give a shot out to her because she takes care of me and I would love to see her business grow and thrive. I know Laura Young sales it too! Her enthusiasm for Mary Kay is beyond words. She will, no doubt, be riding in a pink caddy very soon!
Friday, February 11
We're All Dreamin'!
I asked Blake last night what his dream job would be if all those realities weren't an object. I had a couple of guesses. I really thought he would say he would want to open a restaurant. He loves to cook and has talked about opening a restaurant. When he makes something that is really good, we always jest "that needs to be on the menu" or if it's a flop we'll say "definetly not going on the menu." Before, I asked him this question, he showed me a shrimp recipe that he wants to try this weekend. He's always looking for recipes and trying different things. I'm so glad. Because, I really don't like to cook, but I love to eat. So, it works out for us!
I'm trying to guess what you might think he chose. Blake is very anti-social. So most people don't know him. What you do know is he LOVES to work, he's a busy-body, he's a neat freak, he is filled with nervous
energy, and he doesn't sit still. He stands up when he watches tv and if UGA plays, he listens to them on the radio while he's working on something or playing football with Patrick. He seriously cleans blinds because he couldn't think of anything else to do. He puts his laundry away as soon as it gets out of the dryer and irons his clothes every day! He despises water spots and anything out of order. He can be stressful! It's hard to sit down around him because he will make you feel lazy. But, when I choose to scrapbook over putting my clothes away that got out of the dryer the day before, he never says a word. I'm sure it drives him a little crazy, but he knows I WILL do it....just in MY time! I love him the way he is, and he loves me the way I am. That works out for us!
Okay, so here is what he said he would be...... a cattle farmer! I have my soul mate!
While I was asking the question, I asked Patrick. He wants to be a veterinarian. No surprise there, as he has ALWAYS loved animals and loved learning about them! He collects those expensive plastic animals that you see at farm supply stores, Michael's and Target and knows what they all are called. He's the reason, I know about a kudu. And, I'll never forget at Jacksonville zoo, he said "That's a tapir. Man, I didn't know they were so big!"
Sidenote: Currently he is interested in learning about the planets. Since last week, he has been bringing home books about each planet from the library. So, it may be a matter of time before he says he wants to be an astronaut. He is 6, after all!
I asked Olivia. She wants to be "a princess lady monkey." After she said it, she crinkled up her face and laughed. She thought that was so funny! I did too! I love her personality, she would make the perfect princess lady monkey!
So there you go...in our dreams we would be: a fruit and vegetable farmer, a cattle farmer, a vet, and a princess lady monkey. You heard it here first!

Me and Blake in about 50 years! Hee hee!
I'm trying to guess what you might think he chose. Blake is very anti-social. So most people don't know him. What you do know is he LOVES to work, he's a busy-body, he's a neat freak, he is filled with nervous
energy, and he doesn't sit still. He stands up when he watches tv and if UGA plays, he listens to them on the radio while he's working on something or playing football with Patrick. He seriously cleans blinds because he couldn't think of anything else to do. He puts his laundry away as soon as it gets out of the dryer and irons his clothes every day! He despises water spots and anything out of order. He can be stressful! It's hard to sit down around him because he will make you feel lazy. But, when I choose to scrapbook over putting my clothes away that got out of the dryer the day before, he never says a word. I'm sure it drives him a little crazy, but he knows I WILL do it....just in MY time! I love him the way he is, and he loves me the way I am. That works out for us!
Okay, so here is what he said he would be...... a cattle farmer! I have my soul mate!
While I was asking the question, I asked Patrick. He wants to be a veterinarian. No surprise there, as he has ALWAYS loved animals and loved learning about them! He collects those expensive plastic animals that you see at farm supply stores, Michael's and Target and knows what they all are called. He's the reason, I know about a kudu. And, I'll never forget at Jacksonville zoo, he said "That's a tapir. Man, I didn't know they were so big!"
Sidenote: Currently he is interested in learning about the planets. Since last week, he has been bringing home books about each planet from the library. So, it may be a matter of time before he says he wants to be an astronaut. He is 6, after all!
I asked Olivia. She wants to be "a princess lady monkey." After she said it, she crinkled up her face and laughed. She thought that was so funny! I did too! I love her personality, she would make the perfect princess lady monkey!
So there you go...in our dreams we would be: a fruit and vegetable farmer, a cattle farmer, a vet, and a princess lady monkey. You heard it here first!
Me and Blake in about 50 years! Hee hee!
Thursday, February 10
My Dream Job
After such a wonderful day yesterday with the seniors and blogging about how fortunate I am to love my job, I was thinking about MY dream job "if I could do anything in the whole wide world, and money, benefits, retirement, or medical insurance weren't an object." What would I do? I'm not sure you would guess.
I think some would guess that I would be a photographer. Some would think I would be a style and trend coordinator for Vera Bradley. Some would think that I would be a Zumba instructor. Some would think I would be a party planner or a professional organizer or a jewelry designer or one of those food taste testers. But, you would be wrong.
If I could do ANYTHING, and know I would be successful and NEVER have to worry about money and such.....I would be an organic fruit and vegetable farmer. I would grow the best produce. And, I would trade it for other goods or services. I would trade tomatoes for some free- range chickens. I would trade apples for work on my tractor. I would trade squash for a new dress. Yes, I would farm in a dress with leggings!
Do you realize people used to live like this? A life without the constant trade of money from one hand to another. That is a dream to me!
I love the thought of letting produce ripen on the vine until it's ready to pick- increasing it's nutritional value. I love the thought of carrying a bucket to a garden and collecting nature's sweet goods. I love the thought of surprising my neighbor with a basket of produce on their porch. I love the thought of watching a plant grow from a seed and go on to produce food. That is just so cool to me!
Don't get me wrong, I love being the Wellness Coordinator and spending my time with old folks. But, it's good to think about things like this!
If I am ever an organic fruit and vegetable farmer, I will definetly be certified by USDA and accept vouchers from seniors who sign up to be in the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. That program is so rewarding! For now, I'll let Mrs. Darquitta have my dream job!
I also think I would be a fabulous princess! But, I'll save my thoughts on that for another day.
I think some would guess that I would be a photographer. Some would think I would be a style and trend coordinator for Vera Bradley. Some would think that I would be a Zumba instructor. Some would think I would be a party planner or a professional organizer or a jewelry designer or one of those food taste testers. But, you would be wrong.
If I could do ANYTHING, and know I would be successful and NEVER have to worry about money and such.....I would be an organic fruit and vegetable farmer. I would grow the best produce. And, I would trade it for other goods or services. I would trade tomatoes for some free- range chickens. I would trade apples for work on my tractor. I would trade squash for a new dress. Yes, I would farm in a dress with leggings!
Do you realize people used to live like this? A life without the constant trade of money from one hand to another. That is a dream to me!
I love the thought of letting produce ripen on the vine until it's ready to pick- increasing it's nutritional value. I love the thought of carrying a bucket to a garden and collecting nature's sweet goods. I love the thought of surprising my neighbor with a basket of produce on their porch. I love the thought of watching a plant grow from a seed and go on to produce food. That is just so cool to me!
Don't get me wrong, I love being the Wellness Coordinator and spending my time with old folks. But, it's good to think about things like this!
If I am ever an organic fruit and vegetable farmer, I will definetly be certified by USDA and accept vouchers from seniors who sign up to be in the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. That program is so rewarding! For now, I'll let Mrs. Darquitta have my dream job!
I also think I would be a fabulous princess! But, I'll save my thoughts on that for another day.
Wednesday, February 9
Today my heart belongs to my seniors!
We celebrated Valentine's Day with a dance for our seniors. They dressed in their finest outfits, and boogied. They got down, and, most importantly, got up! They looked so beautiful and handsome! They had a ball! Joy filled my soul to watch them!
I have worked for the Area Agency on Aging as the Wellness Program Coordinator for almost ten years. Like any job, there are parts I don't like. I don't like paperwork or data entry or feeling stuck in the office. But, when I am able to spend time with the seniors, I can't believe I get paid to do what I do.
My professional goal is that I help guide them to make healthier lifestyle choices. My personal goal is to love them. I make a special effort to get to know my seniors. I take up time with them and learn about their lives. It's like I have hundreds of grandma's and grandpas! Oh, how I hope I boogie like these fine folks when I am a Granny!
I have worked for the Area Agency on Aging as the Wellness Program Coordinator for almost ten years. Like any job, there are parts I don't like. I don't like paperwork or data entry or feeling stuck in the office. But, when I am able to spend time with the seniors, I can't believe I get paid to do what I do.
My professional goal is that I help guide them to make healthier lifestyle choices. My personal goal is to love them. I make a special effort to get to know my seniors. I take up time with them and learn about their lives. It's like I have hundreds of grandma's and grandpas! Oh, how I hope I boogie like these fine folks when I am a Granny!
Tuesday, February 8
Food Is Love
If food is love, then, the Crosby family is mucho loved. This week, I have experienced one of the South's finest traditions: excessive amounts of food brought to a grieving family.
Fried Chicken, baked ham, creamed corn, butter beans, squash casserole, chicken and dumplins, mac and cheese, chicken casserole, baked beans, roast and carrots, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, potato salad, chipped boston butt, broccoli casserole, yeast roles, hashbrown casserole, Brunswick stew, rice, lima beans, sandwiches, cakes, cookies, pies.... I know I'm not naming all of it and there was more than one dish of several items. Granny's kitchen counters and table were covered with tangible reminders that people cared about our family.
Granny's house was also filled with something else: family. Our family. Spending time together, taking time to talk and catch up. My belief in the importance of family has been strengthened and renewed. May we never forget just how loved we are.
Fried Chicken, baked ham, creamed corn, butter beans, squash casserole, chicken and dumplins, mac and cheese, chicken casserole, baked beans, roast and carrots, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, potato salad, chipped boston butt, broccoli casserole, yeast roles, hashbrown casserole, Brunswick stew, rice, lima beans, sandwiches, cakes, cookies, pies.... I know I'm not naming all of it and there was more than one dish of several items. Granny's kitchen counters and table were covered with tangible reminders that people cared about our family.
Granny's house was also filled with something else: family. Our family. Spending time together, taking time to talk and catch up. My belief in the importance of family has been strengthened and renewed. May we never forget just how loved we are.
Monday, February 7
How Kentucky girl met Georgia boy
The journaling on this page reads "Kentucky girl comes to Georgia for a job. She is invited over for supper by her neighbor. Girl meets neighbor's brother. Neighbors brother swears girl didn't talk too much. Girl never wanted to talk to any other boy. And, this is only the beginning of our story..."
"We met October 2001. We married October 2002."
I moved eleven hours away from everything familiar and comfortable. I didn't know a single soul in Baxley. I was brave, courageous, and independent. I am so thankful I trusted myself and was open to a new experience. It lead me to this charmed life.
Sunday, February 6
Granny Crosby "Meder"
Blake's Granny passed away yesterday. And, I know, because she believed, that she is in heaven, without pain or suffering.
I have been reflecting on my ten years of knowing "Meder." I connected with her. She was candid. If she thought it, she said it. I saw myself in her, even when her comments were harshly directed at me. She was always first to tell me if I had gained weight. As if I didn't know it already.
She was widowed in 1996. And, though, she was a strong and independent woman, she didn't like to be alone. She saw her grandchildren growing up and having families of their own and she missed them coming around.
She loved to cook for all of us. And, she would always comment that there might not be enough even though she always prepared a feast! I thought it was sweet that she always prepared everyone's favorite. She knew Blake and Jeffrey loved "mustard greens" and Travis loved "lemon cake" and Chuck loved "chicken and dumplins" and Wendy loved "chicken and rice". She made the best fried shrimp, fried chicken, and dressin'. She actually fried with Crisco. So, you know it was good!
Her dressin' was cornbread dressin....it was my favorite! I got the recipe from her one time. After making it, it wasn't the same. So, I called her to try to figure out why. She asked me what I did, so I re-read her the recipe that she had given me. She told me that wasn't HER recipe. That was Meder.
I would call and chat with her when she lived at home. She could be grumpy and I would try to cheer her up. Any effort I made, she would respond, "Well Jennifer,......" I think I will always be able to hear the way she said my name. She always had a come back. That was Meder.
She had a green thumb and could sew anything. She had all kinds of secrets about doing things she she would gladly share with you if you just took time to ask the questions and listen.
Blake, Patrick, Olivia, and I went to see her last Sunday at the nursing home. She had a stroke about three weeks ago and since had been paralyzed on one side and couldn't talk. I had planned on going in there and saying "Meder, since you can't talk, you can't tell me how fat I am." Ha ha ha! Meder and I always jested with each other.
But, when I saw her and held her hand and touched her hair, I knew I couldn't say it. I held back tears, as it just broke my heart to see her like that. I brought her a picture of Patrick and Olivia and showed it to her. She tried to say something to me, but it just came out as grunts. That broke my heart because I wanted so bad to know what she was saying. I couldn't hold back the tears. We had to leave soon after because other visitors had arrived. She held my hand, like she didn't want to let go.
As onery as she was, her spirit was never mean, she was filled with truth and love. I will miss her so much.
I am not good at being serious and I don't have much experience with funerals. So, I'm struggeling a little with this one. I know she is in a better place and that she will live as long as she is remembered.
Almedia Williamson Crosby......"Meder," you will live forever in my heart.
I have been reflecting on my ten years of knowing "Meder." I connected with her. She was candid. If she thought it, she said it. I saw myself in her, even when her comments were harshly directed at me. She was always first to tell me if I had gained weight. As if I didn't know it already.
She was widowed in 1996. And, though, she was a strong and independent woman, she didn't like to be alone. She saw her grandchildren growing up and having families of their own and she missed them coming around.
She loved to cook for all of us. And, she would always comment that there might not be enough even though she always prepared a feast! I thought it was sweet that she always prepared everyone's favorite. She knew Blake and Jeffrey loved "mustard greens" and Travis loved "lemon cake" and Chuck loved "chicken and dumplins" and Wendy loved "chicken and rice". She made the best fried shrimp, fried chicken, and dressin'. She actually fried with Crisco. So, you know it was good!
Her dressin' was cornbread dressin....it was my favorite! I got the recipe from her one time. After making it, it wasn't the same. So, I called her to try to figure out why. She asked me what I did, so I re-read her the recipe that she had given me. She told me that wasn't HER recipe. That was Meder.
I would call and chat with her when she lived at home. She could be grumpy and I would try to cheer her up. Any effort I made, she would respond, "Well Jennifer,......" I think I will always be able to hear the way she said my name. She always had a come back. That was Meder.
She had a green thumb and could sew anything. She had all kinds of secrets about doing things she she would gladly share with you if you just took time to ask the questions and listen.
Blake, Patrick, Olivia, and I went to see her last Sunday at the nursing home. She had a stroke about three weeks ago and since had been paralyzed on one side and couldn't talk. I had planned on going in there and saying "Meder, since you can't talk, you can't tell me how fat I am." Ha ha ha! Meder and I always jested with each other.
But, when I saw her and held her hand and touched her hair, I knew I couldn't say it. I held back tears, as it just broke my heart to see her like that. I brought her a picture of Patrick and Olivia and showed it to her. She tried to say something to me, but it just came out as grunts. That broke my heart because I wanted so bad to know what she was saying. I couldn't hold back the tears. We had to leave soon after because other visitors had arrived. She held my hand, like she didn't want to let go.
As onery as she was, her spirit was never mean, she was filled with truth and love. I will miss her so much.
I am not good at being serious and I don't have much experience with funerals. So, I'm struggeling a little with this one. I know she is in a better place and that she will live as long as she is remembered.
Almedia Williamson Crosby......"Meder," you will live forever in my heart.
Granny Crosby and Patrick, March '05
Saturday, February 5
Gleek Out!
12 Hours of Glee on Oxygen today! Oh yeah!
Twelve hours of breaking out in song and dance, twelve hours of Sue Sylvester's wit, twelve hours of teenage angst and drama, twelve hours of Brittany's nit witt comments, twelve hours of a life lesson or two, twelve hours of parallel experiences of adults and children, twelve hours of some things that are just wrong! I love this show!
I know some people have taken this show a little too seriously. Some think it can partly be blamed for the demise of our children's morals. Geez! I say that... But know that I do not support teenagers freely humping each other, marital affairs, faking pregnancies, or throwing slushies in other's faces.
I do, however, support coming out of the closet, falling in love, believing in your dreams, family support, and singing and dancing your way through every situation, good or bad!
The writers of this show... PURE GENIUS!
Twelve hours of breaking out in song and dance, twelve hours of Sue Sylvester's wit, twelve hours of teenage angst and drama, twelve hours of Brittany's nit witt comments, twelve hours of a life lesson or two, twelve hours of parallel experiences of adults and children, twelve hours of some things that are just wrong! I love this show!
I know some people have taken this show a little too seriously. Some think it can partly be blamed for the demise of our children's morals. Geez! I say that... But know that I do not support teenagers freely humping each other, marital affairs, faking pregnancies, or throwing slushies in other's faces.
I do, however, support coming out of the closet, falling in love, believing in your dreams, family support, and singing and dancing your way through every situation, good or bad!
The writers of this show... PURE GENIUS!
Ofcourse, I scrapped my feelings about my favorite show!
Friday, February 4
I am...
Photo taken on my 32nd birthday, 2/26/10
I am an old soul with a young spirit. At thirty-two years old, sometimes I play like I'm six, sometimes I stomp my feet like I'm 14, sometimes I drink like I'm 21, sometimes I have to act like an adult! Damn it!
I am funny, charming, candid, determined, cynical, obsessive, creative, friendly, spiritual, pragmatic, thoughtful, particular, social, and introverted.
I am a proud Momma of two beautiful children, Patrick (6) and Olivia (2), and the sexy wife of my hunky husband Blake (since 10/11/02). We live in the country on 11.5 acres. We live a fairly simple small town life, but that's how we like it! I'm definetly made for small town livin'! I love the general comfort in everybody knowing everybody. I also have no business to hide, so I'm fine with everyone knowing it! On the other hand, I'm NOT okay with people making it up!
I love scrapbooking, photography, sewing, and general crafting. I am an artist at heart, always creating. Sometimes just in my head, but usually with my hands. I proclaim myself a "master life artist."
I believe that I have an uncommon perspective on life! I hope that, through this blog, you allow yourself to think about things a little differently or to laugh out loud, or to feel connected to another woman in the world that experiences similar feelings and events or to be inspired to scrapbook or take more photos or that you are encouraged to do something nice for others....
So, here we go! Enjoy this journey in the blog world with me! Jenn
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